“Storm” – a two-act ballet based on the drama “Storm” by A. N. Ostrovski
Music – Minko Lambov, Libretto – Ana Topalova
In “Storm” the composer Minko Lambov reveals his unique ability to grasp people’s feelings and emotions and to recreate their most complicated psychological processes and interrelations in a most intriguing way. Minko Lambov composed the music for a musical performance but later at his request A. Topalova wrote the a ballet libretto and thus this piece expanded into a 74-minute production that would amazed the audience with its diversity, with the power of its dramatic sound and the deep preciseness and accuracy of the composer towards the dramaturgical text which is not just truthfully recreated but it is also upgraded and developed through the mastery of his inimitable emotional feeling.
Most probably the project is to be launched on Russian stage thanks to its scale and multilateral complexity in technical and staging respect, as well as based on the need of thorough knowledge of the original text of the big Russian playwright.